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HomeEvents and ClassesSaw Piercing for Beginners with Maxi Cifarelli

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Only 3 Spot(s) Left
Saw Piercing for Beginners with Maxi Cifarelli

Date and Time

Sunday, March 24, 2024, 12:00 PM until 4:00 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC-05:00)


In the shop
3600 Clipper Mill Road
Baltimore, MD  21211

Event Contact(s)

Maggie Klinedinst
Class Planning Coordinator


Educational Classes

Registration Info

Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only


10 Total Slots
3 Available Slot(s)

About this event

Learn saw piercing from Maxi of Maxi Cif Designs. Dip a toe in and learn the basics of cutting out a shape or design from sheet metal. In this class you will learn how to properly load a blade into a saw frame, how to lubricate the blade, proper posture and technique, how to drill and pierce an interior design, and how to finish your piece of jewelry. You will have a variety of designs to choose from, copper to practice with, and a piece of sterling silver for your final design. You will leave with a finished necklace. This class is appropriate for complete beginners or those looking to further practice saw piercing and get assistance.

Materials Fee: $40 (cash due to instructor at class)
this includes: copper sheet (to practice), sterling sheet, 1 dozen saw blades, saw lubricant, rubber cement, choice of design, necklace materials, drill bit

Photos below show examples of saw piercing! All photos owned by Maxi Cifarelli. There are many applications for this foundational skill. The project in the class is a charm necklace.