Donations are a necessary aspect of a successful nonprofit guild. Individuals can make a one-time cash donation or they can manage a continued sustainable donation program that helps with growth or maintenance of the guild.
Non-cash donations must be evaluated by the Board so that the maintenance of a donation doesn't weigh down the guild's savings or add to expenses without bringing in revenue. Please discuss your non-cash donation with the President.
When making a donation, we suggest that you print the form and mail it with your check to the Gem Cutters Guild. You may use a credit card to make your donation, but remember that a portion of your donation [ current charges 3.29% ] will go to pay the credit card company for the service of using a card.
When it asks [Proceed to Payment] click on [Select Payment Method] then click [Print invoice and Send Check].
Thanks for your support of the Guild's work and its' educational
received toward our goal of $5,000.00